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Dear friends and colleagues,

With great pleasure we invite you to participate in the III National Congress of the Spanish Society of Surgical Oncology (SEOQ) and the V Reunion of the Spanish Group of Peritoneal Cancer Surgery (GECOP) that will take place in Alicante next October 3 and 4, 2013.

This Congress represents the fusion between the Spanish Society of Surgical Oncology and the Spanish Group of Peritoneal Cancer Surgery under the motto PERSONALIZATION in cancer’s surgery and SYNERGY between their various specialties involved.
We have designed a program to promote the highest standards in the handling of these type of patients and that is why we will count with the presence of specialists of national and international renown.

We are convinced that all delegates will play a key role to ensure the Congress’ success and as a result, we will achieve a top level position of the Spanish surgical oncology.

In addition, we have a beautiful scenario as a venue such as is Alicante to combine all scientific, educational and social events.

With all the above, we invite you to contribute in the debate of the latest updates and improvements in the treatment of surgical cancer patients.

We will be waiting for you!

José Farré Alegre
Dr. José Farré Alegre
President of the Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Pedro Bretcha Boix
president of the Local Organizing Committee
