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Final Program

List of Pósters

SEOQ GECOP Thoracic Surgery Urology Nursery

friday, 4 october 2013


List of Posters

12:00 – 14:30 h.

Room C
Surgical Oncology Nursing:
Management of peritoneal carcinomatosis
Chairs: Ms. Sonia Peñalver Villa
Dr. Juan Torres Melero
Speakers: Starting a program of radical surgery + /-HIPEC for gastrointestinal and gynecological peritoneal carcinomatosis:
Ms. Naroa Ballesta

Carcinomatosis. Intraoperative Management:
Ms. Nerea Guede

Aftercare and EPIC:
Ms. Maria Pilar López Carreto

Role of laparoscopy (instrumentation). Future lines of nursing performance.
Ms. Carmen Maria Artero Bernabéu

Communication / Poster. The best communication is selected and incorporated into the table
14:30 – 15:30 h. Lunch
15:30 – 17:00 h.

Room C
Round Table:
Nursing in cancer surgery
Chairs: Ms. Elisa Isabel Paños Serna
Ms. Carmen Gloria Nogueiras Quintas
Speakers Key role of the nurse as case manager in patients with breast cancer
Ms. Ana Maria Navarro Fenol

Fasttrack results in colonic surgery
Ms. Teresa Garcia Júlvez

Management of the cutaneous ulcers from Tumoral Origin
Ms. Lourdes Montiel Vaquer

Complicated stomata Management
Ms. Gema Casado Rebollo

Emotional and communication intervention before and after surgery in cancer patients
Ms Nuria Javaloyes
17:00 – 17:30 h.

Sala C

Video Presentations 01EN
17:30 – 18:30 h.

Room C
Oral communications 02EN