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Final Program

List of Pósters

SEOQ GECOP Thoracic Surgery Meeting Urology Nursery

thursday, 3 october 2013

12:00 – 12:15 h.

Room C
Dr. Luis Cabañas
SEOQ - President

Dr. JoséM. Galbis Caravajal
Thoracic Surgery Especialist - SEOQ - Vocal
12:15 – 13:20 h.

Room C
Round Table:
Surgical treatment of advanced lung cancer
Chairs Dra. Miriam Guerrero Estors
Dr. Gabriel Sales Badía
Speakers 12:15 h. Vascular reconstructive surgery in the treatment of central lung cancer
Dr. Abel Gómez Caro
  12:30 h. The role of surgery in squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with mediastinal lymph node affectation
Dr. Jorge Cerezal
  12:45 h. The role of surgery in bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis
r. Raúl Embún
  13:00 h. Discussion
13:20 – 14:00 h.

Room C
State of the Art: selected per-reviewed papers on the topic
Speaker 13:20 h. Dr. Diego Marquez Medina
  13:40 h. Speakers consensus.
14:00 – 15:00 h. Lunch
15:00 - 16:30 h.

Room C
Round table:
Pleural mesothelioma treatment
Chairs Dr. Juan José Mafé Madueño
Dr. José M. Galbis Caravajal
Speakers 15:00 h. Mesothelioma Surgery
Dr. Laureano Molins
  15:15 h. Combined Treatment
Dr. Regina Gironés Sarrió
  15:30 h. CONFERENCE:
The experience of the National Institute of Tumori in peritoneal mesothelioma
Dr. Marcelo Deraco
National Institute Tumori. Milan. Italy
  16:00 h. Discussion
16:30 – 16:45 h. Coffee-Break / Posters Session

List of Posters

16:30 h.

Room C
